But we'll tell you….we are feeling so encouraged this evening. Here are two emails which came today from two friends (one in his 60's the other in his 90's). Can you find their similarity in themes?
Good morning,I was praying for you guys a couple of days ago and then had my QT... Matt 28, the Lord impressed on me verse 8 "...they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy..."The two Mary's were told by the angel to go tell the disciples "The Good News" vs. 8 is their response.They were obedient to the call and they had a purpose. (sound familiar?). Now the part that gets me... They did what they were told with "fear" and "great joy"... Again, this sounds like what you and Heidi are experiencing.Fear... So many things that can side track us, delay us or through us off course... Even paralyze us into inaction. That's why vision and purpose are so critical. And, praise God He has provided the two of you with that!Great Joy... I'm so glad these words were used. They convey the experience of opening a Christmas present and getting exactly what you wanted! But, it's also much deeper... Great joy in knowing that this journey of faith and act of obedience is not accomplished in isolation or by you and Heidi alone. It's the confident assurance that He is with you every step of the way... And your brothers and sisters in the faith (and flesh) are with you as well... praying, partnering and providing for all you need!Joseph, the antidote for fear and anxiety is knowing that Jesus is present with you... Take one minute, a deep breath, bow your head, close your eyes, another deep breath, and thank Him for His presence right now!Or how about this email:
Hi Joe and HeidiThe common thread in this emails are the themes of joy and excitement and fear and our hearts desire to trust God.
Believe me, I am praying for you all. I love you and thank the Lord for the blessings I have received from you.
Let me share with you something I read this year: “When you see the ark...then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it...that you may know the way by which you must go; for you have not passed this way before.” Joshua 3:3-4
Truly God is going before you when you are going through this mix of emotions – both excitement and fear. God promises that He will instruct us and teach us the way we are to go. This has been an encouragement to me and so I pass it on to encourage you. Love to you all
So tonight….my mind is too tired to write an original thought….so I'll just be a Mockingbird and repeat the truth: We are afraid and we are excited and Jesus is with us.
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