Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trauma Lingers (part 2/3)

In the days following the accident, we'd see Josiah and Elizabeth caught lonely moments filled with tears, sobs and questions.  For instance, a couple mornings after the accident, we found Josiah curled up on a couch, in tears, repeating to himself these words... "I don't want to die."

Our kids remained clingy for the next 7 days.  Even today, Josiah & Elizabeth don't like leaving mommy's side.  I suppose their trauma has manifested into a certain type of separation anxiety.

Trauma lingers...and you can't make trauma heal as fast as a body can.

Some things have helped.

We've asked the kids to draw their feelings every day.

Our family has spent time with Noah.....loads of snuggle time

They've found a way to keep laughing throughout it all.

...and going on a little family hike was also good for the soul.

All these things help...and God uses them to do what he does best:  heal.  

Trauma lingers, but God lingers with us.

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