We don't blog about it every time.
That would get old.
With 4 kids under 7...getting out of the house is always a miracle. Can I get an amen?
But nearly week we ski. Our 7 year-old and 5 year-old are skiing greens now and Noah our 3 year-old is just figuring out how to stand up on his skis. But he's trying!
How do you guys do it, people ask? People give us hi-fives at the ski hill when they see us walking around with our mob. But there are some trade secrets that make this possible.
Here are our top-five tips:
1. Keep everyones ski clothes in the car. Seriously, stay locked and loaded. Packing and unpacking is a joy-killer.
2. As parents, we rarely ski on the days we bring our kids. When we bring the kids up...the older two go skiing, and the younger two play in the snow with mom and dad. One day we'll all ski together....that season is about 5 years away. Suck it up, mom and dad....make the day about them.
3. Don't spend all-day at the kill. Thinking morning to lunch. Anything longer is a bonus.
4. Pack extra everything -- extra gloves, extra lip balm, extra socks, extra...you get the idea. Kids are the ultimate loosers....they loose everything.
5. Bring friends who don't ski. Hangout friends are a great addition to a ski-day. First, you always treat your kids better when your friends are watching and you usually have more fun being a parent when you have parental support! Plus, your kids will appreciate having another friend to hangout with.
^^ a selfie on the way to the hill
^^ God's nectar on the way to the hill
Josiah's first season skiing greens all on his own!
Noah's still our little snow bunny
.....and Joel will start remembering this next year.
China Peak, our local ski-hill is a great ski hill. We have MANY days that look just like this!
Skiing together is one of our family traditions.
It's always tough to get out of the house...but if you can make it happen, the reward is always worth it!
These are good days!
Follow @joeandheidi
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