Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Family 5k

Recently we did a family 5k just for the fun of it.  But we got SURPRISED.  Our 5 year old, Josiah, ran a 10ish minute mile for 5km without stopping.  How is that possible ?????

Sometimes in the evening after dinner and before bed, Josiah will ask if he can go on a run with either Heidi or I.  A couple times a week we take him running in the dark through downtown Fresno.  Recently we went 6 miles with him and he only stopped a couple times.  Amazing!  

Elizabeth on the other hand says she doesn't like running.  Though, we're not sure if that's true...because in the mountains she LOVES to trail run and hike uphill.  Running on the road she says is, "boring."

Do Noah and Joel like running, you ask?  They are totally useless and are more interested in beating each other with twigs then running.  ...although, just last night Noah asked if he could go for a run with me.  Maybe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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