Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rockclimbing Tollhouse Rock

I think that adventure is measured but the mindset that brings you to wild places. If you want adventure, you can go and get it! Recently my brother and I didn't do the hardest climb in the most wild place....but none of that matters when you're pursuing an adventure. Adventure is a mindset! Adventure is the admission that it's OK to put a pause on the duties of the day to find the things that your normal day-to-day can't provide. 

Jameson recently called me and said, "I need an adventure, let's go climbing!" So we booked a day that worked for us to head to the hills. 

It was a great climb up a classic route. But it was never about the route was about adventure -- cultivating a mindset that sought out the beauty and peace that is found outdoors when earth meets sky. 

After the climb, we decided hang out on the summit, drink coffee, read, talk, and listen to Jesus. Glorious! This is how adventures are made. 


At the end of the day, we watched the clouds roll-in and the weather was time to head down the mountain. We found adventure.

These are good days.

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