Friday, March 18, 2011

You're a sinner

Is there a distinction between sinful propensity and sinful action?  You and I are naturally inclined towards disobedience to God.  The writers of the bible call it our "sinful nature" (Galatians 5:17).  Every day, a christian must resist submitting to his sinful nature but instead act in accordance to God's Spirit at work within him (Romans 8:5).  

Some examples:  John has a sinful propensity to anger but he tries every day to not act on his anger by not yelling at his family members (Colossians 3:8).  James has a sinful propensity towards lust but tries every day to not act on his lust by refusing to see internet porn and thus commit adultery (Matthew 5:27).  Janis has a sinful propensity towards lesbianism but tries every day not to act on her lesbianism by choosing celibacy (1 Corinthians 6:9). Jenny has a sinful propensity towards misusing alcohol but tries every day not to act on her addiction by committing to sobriety (Ephesians 5:18).

So if there is a difference between sinful propensity and sinful's an implication.  Is John, James, Janis, and Jenny condemned by God and the object of punishment because they have a sinful propensity which they don't act on?  No.  We are judged according to sin, which is disobedience towards God (1 John 3:4).

Why does it matter?  Because your actions matter.  The way you live matters.  Your choices matter.

Question:  Are you acting on your sinful propensity towards (you fill in the blank)

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