Wednesday, December 30, 2009

We're moving December 31st!

Yes. Just stop what you're thinking. We know. We're crazy.

Indeed...we may be crazy. But we're happy.

Doesn't that account for a few points?

We have lived under Steve and Susie Colby (IVCF staff workers) and their three kids for 4.5 years. This has truly been our home. A house is a place where you sleep. A home is a place where you belong. God brought us to the Colbys and allowed us to stay. Our role here has been simple: pay rent on time, pray for them daily, and love their kids. We tried...and God's grace was sufficient.

Our space was so small: 500 square feet
Our joy has been huge: constant fellowship, lots of laughter, lots of love

Five things we have learned from the Colbys (among many more):
1. that small spaces force intimacy
2. homes are places where people laugh often
3. homes are places for hospitality
4. homes make people feel "seen" and "important"
5. homes are hubs for kingdom come and kingdom coming

So why are we moving? To make a long story short: In the way that the Colby place was great for newlyweds, our new place is great for new fams...i.e. 500 more square feet in the form of an additional bedroom.

Some things about the new place (among many more things):
- It's 1/2 block from the beach, a huge park, and running trails
Our apartment is owned by some people we respect and who love our family
- We are three doors down from a few of our students at Granville Chapel
- Its location and layout enhance possibilities for ministry

So it's with love that we say goodbye to the Colby home and begin a new adventure building a home at our next stop. We'll call it...the White House.


Steven Gomez said...

The White House. You Americans...

:) said...

land of the free home of the brave....

i hear a song coming on right now


Vanessa Smith said...

I love that a requirement for a house to become your home is that you can fill it with ministry. Get that from your parents I presume?! How hospitable and gracious you have always been my friend. said...

Thanks Vanessa. Your encouragement means a lot!

Love you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds very exciting! happy moving. said...

Thanks Candice...we would appreciate your prayers!

Anonymous said...

what is your new address?

jOni lAnE said...

i am assuming you are all in and safe and sound? I'm ready for another Elizabeth update as promised!!

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