Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brotherhood (or wifeyhood) of the Rope

I'm not one of those...find a partner on the internet and go climbing, kinda guys. I suppose I'm not opposed to that, but deep doesn't really interest me. I want to be tied into the rope with my friends. I want to climb mountains with people I love, admire, respect, learn from, and can appreciate outside of the bond that climbing creates. I also want to be tied into the rope with people who love me too. Every person I tie into a rope one of my closest friends.

I feel so lucky to know these good people.

Like my good friend Jay.

Jay loves God, serves his family, and is a man marked by hospitality and care. He is also a freeking good climber. When we are in the mountains together...we "understand each other" to the point of not even having to talk all the time. When we swap leads...we find pure joy.

Or my good friend Steve.

Steve loves God too. Steve has a wild heart and a spirit marked by passion and boundless energy. He is a natural leader with a wide skill set so that when you're in a tough spot (mentally or physically), Steve is the corner man every climber dreams of.

Or my good friend Dan.

Or..."Dan the man" as we say. Dan loves God too! Dan has high technical ability on both rock and ice which comes from lots of experience in the vertical terrain. But alongside this, Dan loves stimulating when we're swapping leads, we're both teacher and student and life is our subject.

Or my good friend Dave.

Dave also loves God! Dave is a man marked by gentleness and service. Dave always puts others before himself and constantly looks for ways to really listen to you. He has deep heart for wild places and LOVES walking uphill. When we walk through the hills together, it's kinda feels like worshiping alongside your family at church.

Or my good friend (and brother) Jameson.

Jameson loves God too! He has a heart for adventure as is always willing to try something new. He's a good guy to sit around the campfire with, drink beer, and laugh with. He is the kind of guy who keeps on smiling and finds ways to make others smile as well. Climbing is always fun when he's around.

Or my good friend (and wife) Heidi.

Heidi loves God too! Heidi has a heart for adventure, wild places, and challenging terrain. She simply never gives up. She is always positive and easily puts others at ease. We experience something really special when we are tied into the rope together.

This is my brotherhood and wifeyhood of the rope.


Jay and Milissa Ewing said...

Thanks Joe, that is very kind and generous - when can we go again?!

Steven Gomez said...

What an uplifting post! said...

Jay...anytime say when and where...and I WILL be there!

love you brother! said...

C.S Gomez...thanks for the good word man!

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