Thursday, April 22, 2010

Camping & Climbing with a 4 month old

Really not that hard.

Just different...

Takes some planning and an adventurous spirit.

We just got back from a three day trip down to California to attend my Grandpa's funeral :(

Trying to capitalize on quality time with my brother..we joined Jameson and our friend Tyler for a camping/climbing trip in the Lover's Leap area. It was AWESOME.

Lover's Leap was snowed in...but Sugarloaf was WONDERFULY DRY...but more on the climbing for another post.

Camping was great. Here are some pics to tell the story.

awesome spot...right next to a river

nursing in the best location possible....a warm tent...sunny sky...the sound of rushing water....just LOVELY

naps were simple...same as at home....just a different local.

it get's a little bit different with nights....cause it gets colder. Elizabeth slept in a few layers, including a down suit...toasty warm

and then when the temp really dropped in the night...into the sleeping bag with mom.

even at home...mornings are daddy time. Nothin' changes with mornings while camping.

all bundled up

These are good days.

More on the climbing at Sugarloaf in a couple days...but here's a sneak peek:



Becky @ said...

You guys are awesome! I love that you are emrbacing this new season of life whiel still pursuing your passions! I'll pray you continue to find creative ways to incorporate E into your active lifestyle...especially when she becomes mobile! A crawling baby and then walking/running toddler definitely brings a whole new set of joys and challenges. :) said...

Thanks Becky! Yeah, we've wondered about the walking/running years...not sure how we'll deal with that...but suppose we'll just do what we always do: take it as it comes!

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