Monday, May 31, 2010

Training Day

It was supposed to happen yesterday. Running 10 miles in preparation for the Scotiabank Half-Marathon that I'm participating in on June 27th. But things came up (poor excuse), and when I finally had the time to get out, it would have made for a pretty late-night run...not so safe. So, Sunday's training turned into a Monday make-up session that began at 8:35am. Now, this might not seem like a big deal, but when your husband is a pastor, Mondays are the "untouchable" days; those Sabbath days in which you want him to be able to sleep-in, relax, and do whatever he wants to renew his mind, body and soul. So it was quite the sacrifice when Joe offered to spend the morning taking care of Elizabeth while I did my first lap around Stanley Park (5.5 miles) and then join me on my second lap with Elizabeth in the Chariot.

The original plan was to have Joe and Elizabeth join me on the first lap, and then I'd continue alone on the second. But, Elizabeth fell asleep in her car seat on our drive over to Stanley Park, and we didn't want to mess up a good thing! So, Joe hung out in the car for a little less than an hour while I did my first 5.5 miles (~10 min/mile).

My partner-in-crime when it comes to exercising

I was feeling really good on that first lap. It was raining lightly, but I hardly seemed to notice. It felt good to get into a groove and be able to think, pray, and look around...since the full-length of the Stanley Park seawall provides an ever-changing view from downtown Vancouver to the North Shore mountains to the University of British Columbia and Kits Beach...all the while running along the Pacific Ocean. Gosh, I love living here.

Elizabeth was still sleeping in her car seat (yay - a longer nap!) when I passed our car, and Joe was just getting the Chariot ready. He told me to keep going and would catch up with me. I had probably gone about 6-6.5 miles when he caught up, and I took over pushing the jogger so he could warm-up.

It took awhile to get into a rhythm with the jogger...the left tire could have used a bit more air since it kept veering to the left. A bit annoying when I had already gone 6.5 miles without it. But, Joe and I took turns pushing Elizabeth, who was awake by then. She was quite content to just look around the whole time...though I can't say she saw much since the plastic window in the front was streaked with rain drops and started fogging up. Oh well. She's been pushed around in this jogger since she was a few weeks old, and has hardly complained in it unless she gets hungry.

The soreness began around mile 7 or 8...I hadn't run any farther than that in my training so far, so I was entering new mileage that I hadn't run in the last 4 years since the Vancouver Marathon. It helped to have Joe there to maintain my pace, and I continually looked for different landmarks along the way that I had set as mini goals: the cruise ship at Canada Place, the Totem Poles in Stanley Park, the Lion's Gate Bridge, the view of UBC, Kits Beach, the Stanley Park Pool, and the Lost Lagoon.

Approaching one of my "landmarks": the Lion's Gate Bridge that leads to one of our favorite places - the North Shore mountains!

I thought that pushing the stroller would have slowed me down...but we maintained the pace I had set on my first lap! Slow, I know, but I've never been a great runner -- just consistent. It would be great to run a 2:10 on race day, but I'm not going to let that ruin my experience of running if I don't. The reason I'm even doing this is to get back into pre-pregnancy shape. Long distance running doesn't necessarily shed the pounds, but it does great good for my heart, my mind, and my soul. I'm so blessed to have a husband who gives me opportunities like this.

A family photo on our cool down

Only 4 more weeks until race day!


Unknown said...

Looking good, White family!!

Sara said...

great job!!!!! pushing a stroller totally makes a difference. glad it didn't make much difference in your time! that's awesome :-)

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