Thursday, March 8, 2012

Goal setting and motivation

I've found for me that without a goal...there is no motivation.
And sometimes, if the goal is to shallow or easy, the motivation I do have slowly wains.

Let me tell you about two goals that scare me:

This summer, I'm cycling 800km with these friends in 6 days over the Rocky Mountains (Calgary to Kelowna).  More about that in a future blog:

but in terms of my's SKY HIGH.  Why?  Because my goal, scares me. 

Or how about my triathlon, this sunday.  Today I did my final brick workout (putting 3 of the disciplines together in one workout: swim, bike, run) at about 65% effort and I'll taper/rest for the next three days leading up to the event:

but in terms of my's AMPED.  Why?  Because my goal, scares me.

Now remember, your goal doesn't have to be athletic.  It can be an interest, hobby, a book you really want/need to read....but it must scare you and be just a tad out of reach.  When you've found a goal like this...maybe like me, you'll watch your motivation explode.  

Thanks for readin', friends

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