Monday, April 17, 2017

Hiking & Playing in San Simeon

It's our practice to work 6 days a week and then rest 1 day a week.  We call this day of rest, "sabbath".  Our sabbaths are TRUE sabbaths.  We don't use the internet, we turn off our phones, and often we get outa' town in the hopes of being on a hike or skiing on a hill.

We do this for most of the month, but for the last couple years, we have taken a double sabbath once a month.  For example, once a month we take a Friday evening to Sunday morning sabbath.  This 40ish hour sabbath has been a blessing to us in this season of church planting and community development.

Recently we went to San Simeon on the central coast for our two-day sabbath.  Here are some pictures:

There is something powerful about watching your kids play without inhabitation.  We somehow can loose this as adults.  The fear of "being watching" of "being judged" and "being silly" can become paralyzing for adults.  When I watch my kids play....I learn what Jesus meant when he said, "to such as these the Kingdom of God comes."

One of the reasons we love San Simeon as our place of rest is because it is ALWAYS beautiful.  This no filter ^^ a normal night in San Simeon.  The earth truly declares the glory of God.

...we are starting to look old...but we FEEL young...and ALIVE!  

These are good days.  
Sabbath keeping is our joy!

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