Friday, June 11, 2010

5 Year Anniversary

It takes awhile to build a relationship.

6 years ago...I proposed to Heidi, asking her to marry me. She said "yes", and that evening we sat on the beach watching the sun set and dreamed about the future.

Five years ago....we got married. It was a huge wedding, with all our friends and family present.

Five years came and went...and we have been living the life God desires for us: a challenging life with lots of joy in family, friends, adventure, and ministry.

And in these five years...we made another undeserved gift from God.

from this

to this

So here's to a good five years: Not bliss...not sinless....but obedient to God and full of adventure.

Someone asked us the other day....what makes a successful marriage?

Our response: "We feel very unqualified to answer...but we think that loving God more than anything...including your part of the answer."

So today, Heidi and I remind one another of the 5 years of marriage now behind us....but we also remind each other that the other is still not most important....that spot is reserved for another Person.

....and for us, that's worth celebrating.



Liesel Rios said...

Congrats, guys! (You both still look the same as five years ago. :)) Miss you all.

Kathy J said...

Happy anniversary!

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